LEADING WOMEN DEEPER IN truth, healing, AND FREEDOM in spirit, soul, and body.

I’m Keela Hope. Lifelong learner, writer, adventurer, laugher until I snort-er, blogger, and avid cat-lover.
I’m a firm believer in the power of hope, laughter, and my sweet Savior (and, of course, kitty snuggles!). So you can pretty much count on me to be the one to give you a hug, tell you that Jesus loves you, and then make a sarcastic joke that only I laugh at. Oh, yeah, and I have a deep passion for helping people all over the world believe the truth, receive healing, and walk in freedom in their bodies, souls, and spirits — because that’s what Jesus died for!
Enough about me. Let’s talk about you. Friend, you are deeply loved, called, and chosen by the King of kings. You are intricately designed and magnificently purposed to know His heart, live in truth, healing, and freedom, and build His kingdom, and I am here to cheer you, hold your hand, and run this race with you.
Let’s do it together.