Wholeheartedly Messy

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the key to overcoming all that life throws at you

"By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.” (2 Peter 1:3-4 CSB)

There are a lot of causes and effects in these two sentences, as well as a lot of crucial information. Let’s break it down a bit, shall we?

(1) God is good and excellent. He has divine power and the ability to do whatever He wants. (2) What He does, though, is call us to Himself. (3) Throughout Earth’s entire history, God has been pursuing our hearts and promising better things if only we will follow Him. He has given us tons and tons of promise, such as the entire Bible. (4) Because of His grace and goodness, we can know Him, have a relationship with Him, grow in our knowledge of Him, and understand His promises to us. (5) As a result of us knowing and understanding Him and His promises, we can trust those promises and stand on them. (6) When we stand on His truth like a steady rock in the midst of a wailing sea, we can overcome anything the world throws at us. (7) Then, as we see His faithfulness to His promises, our faith will grow, and we will become more like Him. (8) When we become like Him, we will start sharing His promises with others.

God’s promises are all we need. Standing on His promises is how we escape corruption and temptation. Trusting in His Word is how we will become more like Him and fulfill our calling. (Tweet this!)

It’s so simple, yet so life-changing.

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I confess that I often don’t stand on His promises, but, boy, am I learning that I need to. I often waver in my faith when I meet resistance or when the enemy starts whispering lies. The Devil doesn’t even shout because he knows just a whisper will make me fall. I slip and fall off the path that God set for me simply because I don’t have a steady footing.

Remember the 3 Little Pigs? Yeah? Well, Satan is the Big Bad Wolf, and he wants to blow down my faith. However, he can’t do that when I build my house on a sure foundation, with a steady rock. 

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my Savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.” (Psalm 18:2 NLT)

If we want to overcome the world like Jesus overcame the world, we must start standing on the same promises that He did. If we want to stand tall amidst the thunder and lightning, we must trust in the One who controls the storm. (Tweet this!)

So, let’s apply this to our lives. How can we grow in our knowledge of God? Digging into His Word. How can we find and understand God’s promises? Digging into His Word. How can we overcome the world? Living by His Word.

To sum up...


Ask Yourself:

How can I know God more today? What can I do to have a closer relationship with the Lord? What promise do I need to stand on today? What promise do I need to pray?


My sweet Father, thank you for pursuing me before I pursued you. Thank you for the love and the promises that you have been declaring to me since the beginning of time. Praise you for your faithfulness, because everywhere I look in the Bible, you have fulfilled your promises to your children. What promise do I need to stand on today, Jesus? Help me stand on your promises, Lord, and live the life that you have called me to live. Help me dig into your Word and grow in my knowledge of you so that I can have a closer relationship with you. I stand on your promises today. You are my rock, and in you I have victory. You have made me beautifully. You have made me worthy. You have made me capable. You have made me strong. You have made me powerful. And you promise to love me, no matter what. Thanks you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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